Bojji (ボッジ, Bojji) is the main protagonist of Ousama Ranking.
He's the crown prince of the Bosse Kingdom, son of King Bosse and Queen Sheena, step-son of Queen Hiling, and older half-brother of Prince Daida.
Bojji is an abnormally-petite teenage boy with fluffy black hair, black eyes, and rosy cheeks. He strongly resembles his mother, Queen Sheena.
He typically wears an undecorated blue doublet, a white belt, white leggings/hose, and black shoes. Bojji also wears a small crown to signify that he is a prince. Bojji's original crown has been lost, and he now wears a nearly identical fabric crown made for him by Kage.
When traveling, Bojji dons a thick green cloak and a brown satchel on top of his regular clothing.
Bojji is intelligent, empathetic, and hyper-aware of the people around him. He's kind to a fault and extremely giving of himself, even when he may be hurt or humiliated. He is also very resilient, taking the comments and insults of many around him and still going straightforward with pride, however, alone he lets out his pain and sadness, preventing others of seeing him cry.
Due to his deafness, many in the Bosse Kingdom dismiss Bojji as dumb (an old-fashioned way of referring to a mute individual); however, he's incredibly hard-working and sincere, which often draws people to him even if they cannot always understand him.
Birth and Early Life[]
Before Bojji's birth, the Bosse Kingdom was a small, fortified village being menaced by a tribe of monsters. Bojji's father, the giant adventurer Bosse, set out to exterminate the monsters while his wife, the then-pregnant giant adventurer Sheena, remained behind.
Unfortunately, Bosse wasn't strong enough to subdue all the monsters and seemed defeated. At that moment, Bojji was born, and unbeknownst to nearly everyone, a powerful curse took effect. Bosse had bargained with a demon to steal his firstborn child's strength and power, drastically multiplying his own attributes. Consequently, Bojji was born exceptionally small, weak, and deaf.
Bosse met his son upon returning from his successful monster hunt and only then appreciated the immense cruelty he had done. Unwilling to admit this to anyone, Bosse declared an end to his adventuring and founded a kingdom at the site of his son's birth.
For her part, Queen Sheena seemed completely unbothered by Bojji's stature and disabilities and happily doted on her son. Unfortunately, it was not to last, as a shadowy ally of Bosse, Miranjo, had other designs for the kingdom. Miranjo went on to stage a coup of the Bosse Kingdom with an army of mercenaries. Though the coup ultimately failed, Sheena was slain during one of the battles, shielding Bojji from a hail of arrows. Miranjo was also slain in the crossfire but was able to transfer her consciousness and become the mysterious Magic Mirror.
Both Bojji and Bosse fell into deep grief after the death of Sheena, with Bosse initially content to rule his kingdom alone for the rest of his life. However, Miranjo, now the Magic Mirror, regrouped and used her influence over Bosse to compel him to marry again.
Bosse's second wife, the young cleric Hiling, was delighted to become Bojji's step-mother and spent months slowly winning the love and trust of the young Prince. She also gave birth to Bosse's second son, Daida.
Though Hiling deeply loves both sons, she can't stop herself from becoming overprotective of Bojji. She soon became an extremely stern, strict mother with both of her sons, demanding Daida become strong so he could defend Bojji. This unintentionally caused a rift between the boys.
Bojji never forgot his first mother, Sheena, and regularly visited her gravesite/monument. On one occasion, he met the young guardsman Hokuro, who was similarly grieving for his deaf mother. Bojji also offered flowers to her grave, leaving a deep impression on the guardsman.
Death of the King[]
Ostracized from the court by his disabilities, Bojji grew into a reserved young man who preferred to spend his time alone on the kingdom's outskirts, playing in its ruins. One day, by chance, he encountered the young shadow clan thief Kage. Delighted to have made a friend, Bojji didn't realize that Kage was repeatedly robbing him and instead returned to the outskirts day after day to give Kage gifts of his fancy clothing.
Befuddled after these exchanges, Kage would eventually follow Bojji back to his home and slowly came to learn of the young Prince's circumstances. Kage had a similarly tragic early life and quickly resolved to become Bojji's friend in earnest. However, almost as soon as he made this decision, Kage disappeared, having been captured by Bebin, the spymaster of the Bosse Kingdom.
Unbeknownst to the rest of the kingdom, Bosse's deal with the demon included sacrificing some of his lifespans, and Bosse soon succumbed to a mysterious illness. This would prove to be a major flashpoint for the Bosse Kingdom, as Bosse had declared Bojji his successor in his will, but few in the king's council agreed with that decision. Spurred by Queen Hiling, the council voted to pass over Bojji and crown Daida as the second king of the Bosse Kingdom, unwittingly playing into yet another long-running plan by Miranjo.
Bojji was deeply distraught at losing his kingdom and unsuccessfully attempted to escape. Only then did Hiling realize what a domineering parent she had become, and she agreed to allow Bojji to take a short trip to visit her parents, hoping a small measure of freedom would soothe her son. Unfortunately, it would nearly end in tragedy, as a manipulated King Daida ordered Bojji's assassination by his bodyguard, the swordmaster Domas. Domas pushed Bojji to his apparent death at the Gates of Hell, a massive, fiery sinkhole.
The Underworld[]
Thankfully, Bojji was saved from certain death by his friend Kage. Kage had been recruited by Bebin to act as Bojji's secret bodyguard and had hidden himself within Bojji's bag for the duration of the trip. The two discovered a massive staircase spiraling down the Gates of Hell, leading to the official entrance of the Underworld.
While this was happening, Miranjo enacted the next stage of her plan and forcibly reincarnated Bosse into Daida's body. Bosse appeared to be aware of Miranjo's plans and was reluctant to participate in them. Even as he stood aside for most of her plot, he made small gestures toward resistance, passing private orders to some of his officers.
After a brief, fractious meeting with the king of the Underworld, the powerful Desha, Bojji and Kage were allowed to enter the kingdom. On the advice of Bebin, the two sought out a mysterious tutor who could supposedly make Bojji strong. This tutor was Desha's younger brother, the fanciful Prince Despa. Despa used his magical insight to discover Bojji's latent talents and trained Bojji to enhance these traits while compensating for his lack of strength. In a few short months, Despa's training would make Bojji into the strongest man on earth.
Coup of the Bosse Kingdom[]
Just as Bojji completed his training in the Underworld, Miranjo set her next plan into motion. Using a secret portal into the Underworld, Miranjo freed six dangerous prisoners from the Underworld's dungeons, allowing them to invade and seize the Bosse Kingdom's castle while Bosse stood aside. These prisoners, Zokku, Gigan, Black, Red, Kingbo, and Ouken would go on to aid Miranjo in her further plots.
Queen Hiling and her personal guard were the first to confront the prisoners and engaged in a bloody battle in the castle's courtyard which would have led to their demise if not for Hiling's healing magic. Their resistance was enough to isolate the prisoners until Bojji and Kage could arrive. Bojji did the short work of most of the prisoners and won the loyalty of the chivalrous Gigan in the process.
After another confrontation with King Desha, Bojji, the mad immortal Ouken, encountered his strongest enemy to date. Though Bojji could quickly and repeatedly disable Ouken, Ouken's monstrous regenerative ability meant the immortal could never truly be defeated. Even with the assistance of the Big Four, Kage, and Despa, Bojji could not inflict lasting damage on Ouken, and the battle tipped in the immortal's favor.
The reincarnated Bosse, finally compelled by guilt, joined the battle. Demonstrating his experience and titanic strength, Bosse quickly subdued Ouken by stuffing the immortal's body into a boulder, depriving it of room to regenerate. After an emotional reckoning with Miranjo and an encounter with the enigmatic demon, the coup ended unceremoniously. The threat was ended, Daida was restored, and Bosse finally moved on to the afterlife.
Aftermath and New Adventure[]
Bojji, now a hero to his people, officially succeeded Bosse as the new king of the Bosse Kingdom. In the tumult, Kage quietly took his leave, thinking Bojji no longer had a use for him. However, Bojji quickly became despondent without his best friend and found he couldn't focus on the kingdom anymore. With a nudge from Hiling, Bojji officially passed the crown back to a now-matured Daida and quickly caught up to Kage.
Now Bojji and Kage have a new goal: Tour the world, become even stronger, and found their own kingdom.
Kage is Bojji's first and best friend. The two share a deep love and understanding of one another, often so deep that Kage can understand Bojji's meaning even without sign language.
Likewise, Bojji is Kage's first and best friend, and he has a deeply-committed loyalty to Bojji. In practice, Kage tends to be the worldlier and more skeptical of the two, often voicing outrage and doubt on behalf of his much more generous friend.
Bojji deeply loves and misses his birth mother, Sheena. Despite her death, Bojji spent years visiting her monument and leaving flowers. In turn, Sheena loved her small son and was one of the few who didn't see his disabilities as a weakness.
Bojji deeply loves and trusts his step-mother Hiling, even if he can be a little exasperated by her overprotectiveness. Hiling similarly loves Bojji and was genuinely excited to become his step-mother when they first met. Unfortunately, Hiling's brusque personality means she often keeps her son at arm's length, but she is sincerely proud of him.
Despite his younger brother's enmity, Bojji seems to only have affection for Daida. Bojji didn't hesitate to fight his father to restore his brother, and indeed one of Bojji's earliest memories seems to be of Daida stepping in to defend him from bullies.
Daida, unfortunately, had a much more fraught relationship with his brother. Pushed from an early age to become strong specifically to help defend Bojji, Daida developed a deep resentment of his older brother. Miranjo nurtured this resentment as a part of her plots, and soon Daida saw Bojji as nothing but a waste of space, despite the better teachings of Bebin and Sorii. This would slowly change after Daida's soul became trapped in his body, and he learned about his father's and Miranjo's pasts. Deeply matured by the experience, Daida understood his brother's courage and formally apologized to him once restored.
Despa is Bojji's first true teacher, and the two have a deep affection for one another as master & pupil. Bojji seems to take Despa entirely at face value, even believing the more outlandish elements of Despa's bragging.
For his part, Despa seems to be charmed by Bojji's sincerity and is more than happy to offer good counsel to his pupil.
Bojji's relationship with Domas has evolved. Initially, Bojji was in awe of his first swordsmanship teacher and acted as a diligent student. However, their relationship began to sour as Bojji failed to show any improvement, and soon Domas was another strict, constraining presence in his life. After receiving training from Despa, Bojji has far exceeded his former teacher and seems to see and forgive Domas' many faults.
Domas, similar to Hiling, was initially delighted to befriend and teach Bojji but grew frustrated over time as Bojji didn't improve. However, Domas deeply regrets following the order to assassinate Bojji and now struggles to prove his loyalty to his former pupil.
Very little of Bojji's relationship with Bosse is shown. Bosse appears to have kept Bojji at a distance, as he did to most of his court. Still, on his deathbed, Bosse confessed to deep affection for his first son, and Bosse founded his kingdom to ensure his son would have a safe and prosperous life.
Cursed Body[]
Bojji's weakness is the result of a powerful curse that has effectively stolen his natural strength and power and given it to his father, Bosse. This curse is so potent that it can even repel weaker curses, as it did to the cursed mists of the Underworld.
Upon analyzing Bojji, Prince Despa noted that his strength cannot be increased, as there is nothing to increase.
Though he lacks their strength and stature, Bojji is the child of two Giants and, therefore, a member of the Giant race. Bojji still possesses some attributes of a Giant, most notably an almost complete immunity to poisons.
Incredible Speed & Reflexes[]
Bojji's speed and reflexes are entirely unaffected by the demon's curse. As a child, he trained daily with the giant snake Mitsumata to increase them while also training in footwork/evasion techniques. This training has rendered Bojji superhumanly fast and agile, so much so that he can even dodge Ouken's near-invisible Shirasampe technique.
Hyper Focus & Lip Reading[]
Another skill taught by Mitsumata, Bojji, has enhanced situational awareness, enabling him to sense his immediate surroundings with exceptional clarity. Bojji can also use his hyperfocus to read lips (a rare skill in Ousama Ranking). So long as he can see a person's mouth, Bojji can understand their words. Bojji's skill at lip reading is excellent. He can even read crude, inhuman mouths like Kage's.

Bojji's speed and precision make him one of the strongest people in the world.
Though Bojji's lack of physical strength means he's incapable of wielding most swords, he is exceptional with small, light swords, like his signature rapier.
After special training with Despa, Bojji has learned how to defeat enemies using agility and precision rather than raw power. He now practices a form of pinpoint-accurate swordsmanship, using his small rapier to target the weak spots in his opponent's anatomy and striking them with incredible speed. Bojji can disable most opponents without leaving a mark and even kill without drawing blood. Further, Bojji's perception and accuracy are so good that he can destroy an opponent's weapon, often with a single strike.
Bojji's new training and swordsmanship style make him one of the strongest warriors on earth.
Intimidating Presence[]
Bojji is now so powerful that seasoned warriors, like Apeas and Zokku, are capable of sensing his relative skill and find themselves intimidated by it. Even the immortal Ouken hesitated before choosing to fight Bojji.
"Owah ah!" - talking to Kage.
"AH agh Auh!" - talking to Despa.
"AH AUH OGHA" - Angrily talking to Ouken.
- Bojji's name likely derives from the Japanese words for "alone" (一人ぼっち, hitoribocchi) and "prince" (王子, ōji).
- Bojji's name can also be directly translated to the English word "bodge", which means "to do something badly, especially to make or repair something badly because you do not have enough time or the right materials to do it properly".
- Bojji's favorite color is indigo blue.